Love Child
By Rand Colbert
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Rand Colbert, Stephen Colbert's Cat Quid est veritas? Filii crudelis est, vita sugit, atque in te moveat. |
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Shitcago, sight of the world's greatest political injustice. Liberal pimps are taking over America's great cities, but if you happen to mention it you lose your job! |
You can't expect a simple guy like Jim to be able to successfully sift through all the mixed messages that are out there. I mean, he didn't call Ms. Harold a street walker in public, did he? He didn't openly suggest that she was the bastard love child of the Democrats, or that she might only succeed in life because of minority quotas on the record. Faith was kept, people, both with the new politically correct party line, and the backroom ideology of white conservative male truth. Jim was railroaded folks, and as true Americans we should be horrified about his victimization.
So now Jim is out as the Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman. What a shame that Reince Preibus would turn on his own like that. We certainly have to question his commitment to the cause, I can tell you. Preibus said, "The astonishingly offensive views expressed by Chairman Allen have absolutely no place among the leaders of our party at any level. His behavior is inexcusable and must not be tolerated. He should apologize to Erika Harold and resign immediately." Do you think he meant it? No, he just made a sacrificial goat out of Jim Allen because he was expendable. If Preibus meant what he said, he would have sent a similar message to Trent Franks, Steve King, Michele Bachmann, Todd Akin, Michael Burgess, Ted Cruz, Louis Gohmert... well, the list goes on.
So now you can see now that Jim Allen has been used poorly by the GOP. Write to Reince Preibus and tell him that you agree that street walkers and pimps should not be dominating Shitcago politics. Tell him you want an honest man like Jim Allen reinstated. The future of the GOP is in the hands of loyal men like Jim.
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