Lost in Translation
Excerpts from The NEO Testament
for the Conservative New World
By The Right Reverend Ellsworth Goody
Most Tea Party politicians claim Jesus as their spiritual guide and The Bible as their infallable source of philosophical inspiration. I say most, because some carry around a well worn copy of Atlas Shrugged. But even they espouse the teachings of Christ as central to their mission, and why not? It is the tried and true method for garnering money, influence and votes in America's current political climate.
It was in the spirit of The Enlightenment, though, that the American experiment was born. The idea that all men are equal and able to establish their own representative government was radically new, emphasizing personal worth beyond that of the Greek model.
Ironically, one of the most influential philosophies contributing to a belief in individual freedoms was that of Jesus of Nazareth. His words spawned anti-slavery movements, women's suffrage, and the American civil rights movement. Jesus cared about all people. So one might logically think that the right wing followers of Jesus would espouse the same principals that He did; feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick, etc. But there seems to be a dichotomy between what conservatives believe, and what they legislate.
Perhaps that perception is in error. There have been many Biblical translations over the past six millenia. Maybe Tea Party politicians are in possession of a different tome with a different set of commandments. Perhaps God, as with The Mormons and The Book of Mormon, presented the Pilgrims with a new book, a NEO Testament if you will, describing what religious immigrants to the New World should be thinking and doing in order to follow Him. This would explain what appears to be a conflict of moral purpose. It must be true. Otherwise Conservative Christian politicians look and act like huge honking hypocrites, and we certainly know that's not the case.
So while it is all conjecture, here are some possible alternatives to the Gospel that would explain Conservative Christian morality. Maybe in the modern world we don't understand Jesus at all. God bless our Conservative Christian leaders, and the new religious thought they seek to represent. May they reap all that they sow.
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